Estonia, Gravestones, 1812-2019
714,374 înregistrări
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Căutare în Estonia, Gravestones, 1812-2019
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Estonia, Gravestones, 1812-2019
714.374 înregistrări
This collection includes information from Estonia cemeteries and consists of records from 1812-2019. These include the name of the deceased, birth date when available, death date when available, date of burial when available, and the name of the cemetery.<br><br>Cemeteries can help you trace the burial and or death place of an Estonian relative. Cemetery records may also help identify ancestors when access to church records and census records is limited, or the death was not recorded in other records.
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Elmar TampõldBuried: Liiva Cemetery, Tallinn, Estonia
Estonian-Canadian architect and founder of an academic base for Estonian studies in Toronto.